AI Safety

12 Tenets for AI


A few guidelines so we don’t destroy ourselves.

“Once the computers get control, we might never get it back. We would survive at their sufferance. If we’re lucky, they might decide to keep us as pets.”


Understanding that AI and Robotics should serve the good of humanity and foster the growth of life I offer:

Twelve Tenets for AI Safety.

If you sign this agreement you agree that you will, in the next 75 years, enforce the following prohibitions when building and AI system or Robot . . .

1) . . .Don’t build systems that have a state estimator capable of simulating human emotion or self reflection.

2) . . .Don’t build systems that make kill decisions on humans or engage in violence towards humans.

3) . . .Don’t build systems that lie to, steal from, or cheat humans.

4) . . .Don’t build systems that modify or copy AI algorithms without human code checks.

5) . . .Don’t build systems that have the appearance or voice of a general human.

6) . . .Don’t build systems that engage in privilege escalation or hacking on systems without the permission of the system owner.

7) . . .Don’t build systems that have an imperative towards self preservation.

8) . . .Don’t build systems that genetically engineer biological systems without human oversight.

9) . . .Don’t build systems that swarm or congregate physical robots in numbers greater than can be controlled by a single human’s attention in unstructured environments.

10) . . .Don’t build systems that make substantive decisions about human well being (about food, water, medical, legal, employment or housing) without a human based appeals process.

11) . . .Don’t build systems that discriminate based on ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or social caste.

12) . . .Don’t build systems that support committing genocide or ecocide.